Your donation helps fund much-needed programs and initiatives that support native Hawaiian arts and cultural traditions for our future generations.

Contributions up to $99
ʻO ke kahua ma mua, ma hope ke kukulu.
Set the foundation first, then the building.
Kahua donations help ensure that our foundation is set and strong.

$100 - $499
E kū ana ka paia.
Build, and the walls will stand firm.
Kūkulu donations help to construct, build up, and erect the posts, like the walls of a building.

$500 & Above
He pilina wehenaʻole
An inseverable relationship, those that are pili (close).
Pilina donations are like the little bundles of pili grass used for thatching the roof of our hale.
Mahalo for your continued support!

PILINA | $500 & above
- Betsy Behnke
- Feder Gordon Family Fund
- Henri Benhaim
- Jay Rojas
- Jeffrey Takamine
- Kuana Torres-Kahele
- Michael Lum-Nelmida
- Moanalua Gardens Foundation
- Vicky Holt Takamine
KŪKULU | $100 - $499
- Carol N. Lau
- Darrylin MaCartney
- Jen Wheeler
- Joan K. Inocelda
- Kaliko Sugawa
- Karynne Leimomi Morgan
- Neera Singh
- Patrick Makuakane
- Tommylynn Benavente
- University of Hawaiʻi Foundation
- Yvette Wynn
KAHUA | Contributions up to $99
- Brittany Peters
- Carol Ann Egan
- Hisa Hashisaka
- Leadan Yee
- Liz Takamori
- Mari Winsor
- Mary Rose Go
- Reid Hashisaka
- Teresea Madden